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Tennessee Editorial FORUM
05/08/2017 Don't Give Me A Tax Cut That Cuts Health Care for Others Stephen Prince
08/24/2015 Healthcare Not Handcuffs Will Help Women Achieve Equality Allison Glass
09/07/2013 What FedEx Can Teach Us About Tax Reform Matthew Gardner
09/05/2013 Close Tax Loopholes to Fix Holes in Our Communities MaryAnne Howland
03/03/2011 Resolution Waltzes Around Tennessee Constitution Phil Schoggen
01/20/2011 Individual Mandates as a Moral Imperative Raymond Feierabend
11/22/2010 On Nukes, Start Anew with New START Avis Bohlen
Eben Cathey
Daryl Kimball
11/20/2010 My Chain of Command Supports New START - So Should the Senate Lakisha Watson-Moore
10/26/2010 Tennesseans Should Pay Their Fair Share on Internet Purchases Jenifer Tlumak
08/04/2010 Sometimes it's Good for History to Repeat Richard C. Braun, M.D.
08/04/2010 Why Health Care Reform Now? Richard C. Braun, M.D.
06/28/2010 Corker's Leadership Needed on Nuclear Arms Treaty Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson
03/15/2010 Immigrants Are Still Fighting for 'Liberty and Justice for All' Jaime U. Gonzalez
02/05/2010 A Great Need Remains in Haiti Marie Alvarez
01/29/2010 The Importance of Protecting Tennessee's Environment in 2010 Chris Ford
01/26/2010 Health Security for Tennesseans Must be a Top Priority Tony Garr
01/19/2010 Fixing Tennessee's Tax System Must be a Top Priority in 2010 Shelby Tabeling
12/09/2009 Voter Confidence Act Must be Implemented by November 2010 Dick Williams
12/01/2009 Green Economic Solutions for Economically Distressed Communities Sekou Franklin
11/03/2009 A Community Trembles in Fear Jan Snider
06/01/2009 Seeking Sensible Priorities to Help Uninsured Neighbors Tony Garr
05/04/2009 Honoring The True Meaning Of Mother's Day Elizabeth Barger
04/27/2009 Tennessee Voter Confidence Act Must Be Implemented Now Margie Parsley
Bernie Ellis
02/23/2009 Tennessee's Crisis Prone Tax System Thomas Dernburg
02/05/2009 The Coal Disaster Howard Switzer
02/03/2009 Just Show Me the Money Patrick Reagan
01/14/2009 English Only Amendment; How Not to Unite a Community Nancy Stetten
12/15/2008 Public Investments Stimulate the Economy Phil Schoggen
10/20/2008 Don't Blow Up the Mountain Nell Levin
09/26/2008 Why Health Care Reform Should Be a Top Priority Gene TeSelle
05/20/2008 Can You Stop the Rain? Brian Paddock
05/01/2008 Fair Wage Engenders Basic Human Dignity C. Melissa Snarr
04/28/2008 Verifiable Paper Based Voting System is Best for Tennessee Joe Irrera
01/03/2008 Healthy Communities: A Gift We All Should Share John Stewart
08/14/2007 Voter Verifiable Paper Ballots Protect Election Integrity Phil Schoggen
Deborah Narrigan
07/02/2007 Workman Execution Shows Death Penalty's Flaws Michael August
05/15/2007 Honoring the True Meaning of Mother's Day Elizabeth Barger
05/02/2007 PK-3: Expanding, Enhancing Educational Opportunities Marilyn Harris
04/19/2007 Widespread Voting Problems Found in Tennessee Deborah Narrigan
04/16/2007 Token Gestures and a Lack of Leadership Glenn Phillips
04/03/2007 Putting Fairness First John Stewart
02/22/2007 A Better Way to Use a Cigarette Tax Increase Ronald Naylor
12/12/2006 Protecting Reproductive Rights is Important in the New Year Elizabeth Barger
08/01/2006 Alley Case Shows Flaws in Death Penalty System Michael August
06/01/2006 PK-3: Taking Early Education to the Next Level Jaunita Veasy
05/01/2006 Improve Voting Machines, Keep Paper Ballots Phil Schoggen
Dana Pride
05/01/2006 Doing the Responsible Thing for Our Sickest Neighbors Claudia Andrews
05/01/2006 Immigration Woes Begin With NAFTA Nell Levin
03/30/2006 Protecting Life Means Preserving Choice Ina May Gaskin
03/07/2006 Women's Health Threatened By Anti-Choice Amendment Elizabeth Barger
03/07/2006 Tennessee is Now on the Frontlines of the Abortion War Keri Adams
06/28/2005 Voting Strengthens The Voice Of People With Disabilities Joanne Rich
05/17/2005 Expanding Pre-Kindergarten Is The Right Thing To Do Diane Neighbors
Francie Hunt
05/04/2005 Consent Decrees: Protection for All Susan Brooks
04/22/2005 Senator Frist Does Not Speak for All People of Faith Donald Beisswenger
09/15/2004 Sales Tax Deductibility as Itemized Deductions: A Dissenting View Thomas Dernburg
06/18/2004 Restrictive Abortion Regulations Aren't 'Commonsense' Solutions Sandy Smith Madsen
05/17/2004 Should Tennessee Adopt a Reformed Tax Structure? Grover Porter
Ruthie Reynolds
01/05/2004 The Parks are Open, but Nobody's Home Will Callaway
10/17/2003 Tennessee's Infant Mortality Rate Rivals Third World's Warren Duzak
08/07/2003 Higher Education is a Sound Investment Jeff Wilson
05/27/2003 Hijacking the Public Airwaves Dale Harris
05/12/2003 The Plight of Higher Education in Tennessee Thomas Dernburg
04/07/2003 Minimum Wage is Not a Living Wage Nell Levin
02/27/2003 Tennessee Must Invest Lottery Money In Early Childhood Education Programs Linda O'Neal
10/28/2002 The Real Cost of Nuclear Power Will Callaway
07/16/2002 It's Time for the U.S. to Ratify the Treaty for the Rights of Women Rep. Kathryn Bowers
04/11/2002 Keeping the Faith in Religious Liberties Charles Sumner
04/10/2002 Campaign Disclosure Process Bound Up in Red Tape Erik Cole
02/25/2002 Bursting the 'Soft Money' Bubble Phil Schoggen
02/01/2002 Polls Show Public Support for Tax Reform John Stewart
12/10/2001 Tennessee Needs TennCare Richard C. Braun, M.D.
10/19/2001 Slow Down On Fast Track Kristi Disney
07/11/2001 Patient's Bill Of Rights Needs a Speedy Recovery Erik Cole
06/15/2001 Women In Tennessee Still Struggling To Get By Nell Levin
05/17/2001 Education Is Key To Excellence In Tennessee
05/08/2001 Tennessee Workers Deserve A Living Wage Jane Steinfels Hussain
04/24/2001 The Many Faces Of Tennessee Justice Harmon L. Wray
03/22/2001 Arctic Refuge Oil Drilling Should Get Deep Freeze Charlie Howell
03/06/2001 It's Time To Update Tennessee's Campaign Finance Laws Phil Schoggen
02/14/2001 No Wiggle Room Left for Tennessee Tax Woes John Stewart
02/01/2001 TennCare On The Chopping Block Richard C. Braun, M.D.
01/12/2001 Executing Justice - The Irony of the Workman Case Alex Friedmann
01/08/2001 The New 3 Rs - Reading, (W)riting, and Racism? Tim Wise
08/29/2000 It's Time To Consider Mothers' Rights Kerry Hook
04/17/2000 Budget Priorities Will Yield Big Dividends
03/20/2000 Why Kill Tennessee's 40-year Ban On Legalized Murder? Harmon L. Wray
03/16/2000 Conventional Wisdom vs. The Income Tax Rick Held
12/31/1999 Clearcutting Tennessee Isn't Just Ugly, It's Dangerous Donald B. Clark
03/31/1999 Saving Tennessee's Mighty Oaks Brian Paddock
09/17/1998 Ban on Soft Money is Key to Campaign Finance Reform Phil Schoggen
09/14/1998 Let's Ensure Health Care for All Tennessee Children Tony Garr
08/10/1998 Tennesseans Strongly Support Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Ray Conatser
06/22/1998 Proposed Transfer Threatens Tennessee Heritage and Ecology Scott Banbury
06/10/1998 Tobacco Legislation Moves Us Toward a Healthier America Gordon Bonnyman
04/19/1998 Let's Protect Our Babies by Licensing Midwives Ina May Gaskin
03/12/1998 ATM Surcharges: Pay Now, Pay Again Later Brian McGuire
Robert Pregulman
03/04/1998 Prisons for Profit in Tennessee? Harmon L. Wray
01/28/1998 Roe v. Wade 25 Years Later Barbara F. Baldwin