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About the Forum

The Alabama FORUM is a nonprofit organization of community activists with a wide range of issue areas and journalists working to communicate ideas to the public and stimulate policy debate by tapping into the power of the media.

Over the years, editors have come to recognize the Alabama FORUM for well-written, well-researched, and thought-provoking commentary on topics including payday lending , public transportation , AIDS funding , improving teaching in Alabama .

On average, media packets reach 350,000 households through print and 850,000 listeners and viewers through the broadcast media. Commentary from the Alabama FORUM regularly appear in Birmingham News (circ. 201,000) , Huntsville Times (circ. 83,000) , Montgomery Advisor (circ. 80,000) , Tucaloosa News (circ. 41,000) , Birmingham Post-Herald (circ. 33,638) , Anniston Star (circ. 30,300) , Gadsen Times (25,644) , The Daily Sentinel (circ. 8,500) , Daphne Bulletin (circ. 4,300) , Wilcox Progressive Era (circ. 2,850) . Forum materials also receive significant local use/coverage by broadcast media throughout the state.