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  Board Benefits - Nonprofit Assist - Media Resources


Media Resources

Media Forum is a free resource service created on specific requests from journalists, editors, and other media professionals like you. Media Forum provides informative commentary by local and state experts for unrestricted use to the media. The Forum also provides photos, editorial cartoons, audio and video clips, and an organized collection of local, state, and national experts to contact or interview on a variety of issues and more.

Article Database
Current Articles
Search, view and download current media packets (consisting of an op-ed, a press release, and a public service announcement), state logos, and author photos for free, unrestricted use. Articles also have embedded links that connect to The Source, streaming media and other related content.

Article Archive
Search these files by keywords or browse two different types of lists: a chronological list or a list of issues like welfare, reproductive rights, childcare, etc. Also embedded with links to added features, the article archive serves as a great resource for background information for stories.

The Source.
The Source. acts as a research and reference interface for journalists looking for expert views on upcoming news stories. This online resource provides a detailed media profile of nonprofits, business professionals and other expert voices throughout the state. If you don’t find it in the Source then simply call the Forum’s helpful staff and we’ll help identify the right expert for the story.

Electronic Daybook with e-lerts
See what’s happening in and around your communities with the Electronic Daybook. A comprehensive calendar for journalists, the Daybook includes notices from nonprofits about local newsworthy events, reports and press releases.

Additionally, for greater convenience, receive e-lerts to personalize the information you receive.

Multimedia Enhancements for media packet
Streaming media and features like photos, graphics and other multimedia enhancements are available to supplement stories. Media Forum offers high-quality, digitally recorded and compressed 30- to 90-second audio and video spots for use both on websites and in radio and television broadcast formats.

Add streaming audio public service announcements to the websites of print, television or radio outlets for added depth to the story online. Radio stations can download the materials ready-to-air. Best of all, it's all FREE. Just link directly to the segments on our site or request the link for the file you want to post on your site.

As streaming video becomes the industry standard for news media websites, this resource will help you keep up with these technological demands. The Multimedia Library provides you with access to video footage from organizations as well as guest editorials and interviews of Forum authors and experts.

  • Multimedia Library material is easily accessible for use both on websites and in television broadcast formats
  • Just as in the case of the audio, the end product is available both through our website in streaming formats and in other preferred formats as requested.


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